What do You Mean by Repackaging and Rework?

Some fulfillment companies simply throw away any products that have been returned to them, but that’s not how we handle it at Speaker Fulfillment Services.

Repackaging and rework come into play when a product has been returned by your customer for a refund.  If the bubblewrap obviously hasn’t even been broken into by your customer we’ll simply repackage your product into a clean white box and return to your inventory.  The cost of any repackaged item is a flat $3 to cover our labor and the cost of a new box.

Rework comes into play if the product has obviously been opened up and inspected or used by your customer.  All print manuals must be discarded because it’s not feasible to inspect page by page to make sure something hasn’t been underlined or highlighted.  But since we can reuse binders, disc cases, CDs and DVDs we rework only those components that need attention and then return the product to inventory for you.

Since some components are reusable the price of a “reworked” unit is less then that of a new unit produced from scratch, saving you money.

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