What is an SKU?

SKU is an acronym for Stock Keeping Unit.  It is a unique identification number each product has.  Every product we produce and fulfill for yo must have a unique SKU.  This number identifies specifically for us which item needs to be shipped, which is extremely helpful when you have several products that might be similarly named.

If your products do not have an SKU we will work with you to assign a suitable SKU.

Some products already have a number that can serve as its SKU number.  For example, books use a unique numbering system called an ISBN.  This is either a 10-digit or a 13-digit number printed above the barcode or on the back cover of a book.  Each version of a book – hardcover, softcover, ebook, audiobook, etc. will have its own unique ISBN.  We use the ISBN when available as the SKU number internally.

Some CDs and DVDs may also have an iSBN number preassigned and printed on the packaging.  Again, we use this preassigned number as the SKU whenever possible.

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